To have your event posted on our website, please email your flyer in a PDF or WORD document along with a description of the event and your group information to [email protected] by the 10th of the month.
An AA- sponsored event, with Al-Anon participation.
Speakers from AA, Al-Anon, and Young Persons in AA
Speaker Panels Snack Bar Marathon Meetings Dinner Information Tables Dessert Buffet Raffle
We need YOUR help to make this event a success! All levels of service opportunities are available: everything from being a greeter, baking cookies to sell at the snack bar, donating raffle items, or bringing a dessert for the buffet, to volunteering for a Chair position. Unity Day planning meetings will be held on the second Sunday of the month, February through June at the Auburn Fellowship on Palm Ave. Please come join us, and bring a friend! Watch for the upcoming registration flyer for further information.
Event Contact: Gloria (530) 888-1121
Aurburn Fellowship Unity Day