CCFAA Teleservice is a live telephone support service which is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to help alcoholics in need. We refer callers to current Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, provide current AA meeting directory information and as needed, offer 12 Step support.
We are sober alcoholics doing what we can to stay sober and to help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
It is important for us to remember, often a person’s first introduction to AA is through Teleservice!
AA Teleservice, also known as the AA Hotline, services alcoholics who are in need of help. We help them to locate meetings in their area or provide them with someone to talk to in times of crisis. AA Hotline is a great way to be of service to your fellow alcoholic. All you need is a phone, a current meeting schedule and a willingness to 12 Step another Alcoholic. Your shifts, your service, is from the comfort of your own home or out and about using landline or cell.
If you have greater than 6 mos. sobriety and would like to be of service, please contact us at 916 454-1100
email [email protected] or complete the form below and we will contact you.
Print a Hotline Helpers Flyer HERE
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